DPF control – VAG + Diode


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A device plugged into the OBD socket, which will inform you about the beginning and end of the regeneration procedure of the particle filter in your car from the VAG group. The device allows you to reduce fuel consumption and extend the life of the DPF due to its proper operation. In addition, the proper operation of the DPF filter protects the engine as well as the turbocharger.

Device in a set with LED diode.

Please enter the engine code when purchasing, this information will allow us to continuously develop the device

If you do not know the engine code and the car is manufactured after 2010, please enter “????” in the space for the engine code and enter the VIN in the comments.

If you have questions about the operation of the device, please read the detailed manual of the device available  here

If you have purchased the device and have any doubts as to its operation or handling, please contact us in the first instance by email or telephone. Contact details for the department that looks after this product can be found in the contact section.

178.05 +VAT

Previous lowest price was 47.00.

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DPF control – control the burning process of your particle filter!


√ Informs audibly about the burning of the DPF filter

√ Informs lightly about the burning of the DPF filter

√ Erasing errors saved in all systems

√ Indicates the mass of soot in the filter

√ Simple installation – inserted into the OBD socket

√ Small, compact, aesthetic

The device supports selected engine codes from the VAG group – Volkswagen, Seat, Audi, Skoda
Please enter the engine code in the comment, this information is necessary to complete the order


DPF Control – device plugged into the OBD socket, which will inform you about the beginning and end of the regeneration procedure of the particle filter in your car.


Active filter regeneration is a process in which the controller generates additional fuel injections at a late stage of the work stroke in order to increase the exhaust gas temperature. The exhaust gas flow of a sufficiently high temperature allows burning of the solid particles accumulated in it. This procedure is carried out at specific kilometer intervals, depending on the driving style, conditions, control algorithm and the filter capacity itself. In most passenger cars of the VW group it ranges from about 250 km to about 600 km in very favorable conditions.


The algorithm of active regeneration in most cars is implemented in such a way that the user does not realize that something unusual is happening to the engine. In urban conditions, this is easier to see by the increased idle speed, but it is often due to the engine heating or high current consumption.


The user often interrupts the regeneration procedure, which causes the need to activate the fan to cool the engine compartment. In addition, interrupting this procedure is unfavorable from the point of view of DPF operation as well as it is associated with increased fuel consumption due to the need for frequent regeneration.

The device that we offer allows you to control this process, due to the fact that with each regeneration the device informs about the start of the procedure and about its end. This information is handed down to user in two ways: a sound cue (buzzer) and light flash (diode).

When the soot mass drop in the filter is detected, which is synonymous with the actual beginning of the burning process, the device will signal it with a long beep and turn on the LED to inform about burning process. After completing the regeneration, the device will signal the end of the DPF filter burnout procedure by a short sound signal and the LED going off.

Users can thus optimize their path and not interrupt the procedure of regeneration DPF, and thus save fuel and money by significantly extending its lifetime. What’s more, it can diagnose its operation by observing the period or distance between regenerations.

User manual of DPF Control:

  1. Mount the device into the vehicle’s OBD socket (generally around the driver’s left knee).
  2. Connect the diode if you want to place it in a specific place, or do not connect it at all if the sound signal is a sufficient information.
  3. Enjoy the awareness and the ability to control the regeneration process of the particle filter in your car.
  4. Hold the button on the device and you will find out how many milligrams of soot is in your filter by the number of blinks of the LED.
  5. Hold the button on the device longer and you will remove all Data Trouble Codes from your car.

Supported cars:

The device supports vehicles from the VAG group, above 2010 – Volkswagen, Seat, Audi, Skoda, : 4-character engine codes beginning with the letter “C”, “D”. Some models of Porsche, MB Sprinter and MAN.


For Skoda Octavia II and Skoda Superb II models, due to the deep installation of the OBDII connector, the installation of the device is difficult, and in some cases impossible. Therefore, we recommend using an OBDII extender, which can also be purchased from our store. Not every extender offered on the .market has a physical connection between all pins of the OBDII connector, which may result in improper operation of the device, we recommend the extender that is available here.

In VW Touran I the obd II connector is covered by the glove box, to install the device you need to modify the rear panel of the glove box.

The engine code designation can be found on a sticker on the sill by the front passenger door. It can also be found by the spare wheel in the trunk and the engine code is also located on the engine cover, but does not include the last character.