Key Master DP PLUS device in configuration version C-FULL
The device is designed primarily for servicing passenger car immobilisers (adding ordinary keys/cards/smart-keyless), additionally in version C special functions are available for ABS/SRS/SAS/ECU, diagnostics
Hardware specifications:
- Built-in multiplexer for signal switching
- 8-inch touchscreen
- Charging directly via OBD 2 cable
- High-quality protective case
- High-quality instrument case with silicone grips
- Rear metal stand for placing on a table or hanging on the steering wheel of the vehicle
- TOYOTA-1 emulator key included
- Included programmer P001, EEPROM adapter C001, adapter C002, eeprom clip cable W002, key renewal cable W001, crocodile cable W003
- Radio signal frequency tester 315Mhz, 433-434Mhz, 868MHz included
- Including coil for detection of 125KHz immo signal
- Multi-function cable included
Software specification:
- eeprom support: read/programming
- Renewal of original car keys
- Programming of car keys (immo)
- Remote control programming
- Special functions for ABS/ECU/SRS/SAS/TPMS etc.
- Diagnostics