Abrites AVDI HK010
As this feature is an update of the HK009 special feature, customers will continue to benefit from this feature when the donor vehicle is available:
Smart key vehicle capabilities:
neutralisation (allowing adaptation in other vehicles) of the smart system
neutralisation (enabling adaptation in other vehicles) of the ECU
neutralisation (to enable adaptation in other vehicles) ESCL
neutralisation (to allow adaptation on other vehicles) PDM (for vehicles equipped with PDM)
Capacities for vehicles with mechanical key:
neutralisation (allowing adaptation in other vehicles) of the immobiliser – this automatically neutralises also the ECU
neutralisation (allowing adaptation in other vehicles) of the Smartra module (for vehicles equipped with one)
Real-time data showing the status of the modules (neutralised/active) and the number of keys initialised are displayed in the function window for convenience.
Please note that once a neutralised module has been fitted, the keys must be re-inserted into the vehicle.
For full information on how to use this special feature from ABRITES, please refer to the instructions HERE